Baby Fund Calculator
By stopping smoking, you could save the following amount per month:
You can use nicotine replacement therapy (NRT) during pregnancy if it will help you stop smoking and you're unable to stop without it. However, it is not recommended that you take stop smoking tablets such as Champix or Zyban during pregnancy.
NRT contains only nicotine and none of the damaging chemicals found in cigarettes, so it is a much better option than continuing to smoke. It helps you by giving you the nicotine you would have had from a cigarette.
You can be prescribed NRT during pregnancy by a GP or your local stop smoking service. You can also buy it over the counter without a prescription from a pharmacy.
NRT is available as patches, gum, inhalator, nasal spray, mouth spray, oral strips, lozenges and microtabs.
If you have pregnancy-related nausea and vomiting, patches may be a better solution. NRT patches should be used for no more than 16 hours in any 24-hour period. The best way to remember this is to remove the patch at bedtime.
Before using any of these products, speak to a midwife, GP, a pharmacist or your local specialist stop smoking service.
By getting this specialist advice you can be sure that you're doing the best for your baby and for you.
How much could you SAVE by stopping smoking?
How much does a pack of 20 cigarettes cost you?
How many cigarettes do you smoke a day?
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A range of area specific support services to help you stop smoking are available in East Riding, Hull, North Lincolnshire, North East Lincolnshire, North Yorkshire and City of York. We have also included information and a link to the HNY Swap and Stop initiative.
If you are looking for help and support to quit smoking during pregnancy anywhere in the Humber and North Yorkshire area then Bump The Habit is here to help and support you.
Vicky, 39, from Hull, used to smoke more than 10 cigarettes a day but has now been smoke-free for four weeks (as of July 2020).
Vicky was at college when she first started smoking. It wasn’t something she thought much about initially, but all of her friends smoked and she soon got caught up with the crowd. Once hooked, it became a habit for her, and she was soon smoking up to 10 cigarettes a day, which increased as she got older.
10 May 2024